
Meeting Chibok Parents Is Not Good For My Emotions

Meeting Chibok guardians not useful for my enthusiastic state, Buhari tells CNN On May 12, 2016 

President Muhammadu Buhari has said meeting guardians of the schoolgirls snatched from Government Secondary School, Chibok, Borno state, all the time, is bad for his passionate state. 

Mourning the predicament of the guardians in a meeting with Chief International Correspondent and host of CNNi's daily worldwide undertakings program, Christine Amanpour, President Buhari said he couldn't envision his own particular girl in such circumstance. 

"I saw the families as a gathering twice. The first occasion when, they came to visit my significant other. The second, they came as a gathering to see me, and the less I see them the better for my own particular passionate equalization," he said. 

"I attempt to envision my 14-year-old year old little girl missing for over two years. I attempt to envision what condition are they in. A considerable measure of the fathers would rather see their graves, than envision them under such condition." 

He likewise restricted demonstrating a proof of life video to the guardians, saying there was no point raising their trusts when the young ladies had not been protected. Amid the second commemoration of their snatching, CNN made open a video of a portion of the young ladies. The video was said to have been sent to moderators by their captors. "I have not seen that video and regardless of the fact that I see it, I will be exceptionally watchful about demonstrating it to the family. 

There is no good reason for purposely raise the trust of the families on the off chance that you can't meet them," he said. "In the event that we know where they are, then we can sort out to secure them, however in the event that they have been isolated in a gathering of five, ten, two everywhere on this area of Lake Chad commission, that is Cameroon, Chad, Nigeria and Niger, it is highly unlikely we can suddenly and at the same time assault each one of those areas and get the young ladies and the essential thing to us is to get them alive."

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